Debra Sinick

Posts Tagged ‘WA’

What do Redmond, Microsoft, Dell, Bono, and Red have in Common?

In Local information on January 29, 2008 at 9:02 pm


Microsoft and Dell are going RED!  Both companies are the latest sponsors for Bono’s RED campaign.  Here’s how it works:  

“When you buy a Dell (PRODUCT) RED PC with Windows Vista Ultimate (PRODUCT) RED, Windows and Dell will jointly contribute $50 to $80, depending on the product, to The Global Fund.”

Kudos to Microsoft, our neighbor, and Dell for contributing to AIDS awareness and the elimination of HIV in Africa.  Microsoft is the gift that keeps on giving.

Microsoft sign

You can contribute.   You can join red.  Go Red!  Go (Red)mond!

What Were The Chance of selling your West Redmond Home in December, 2007?…and a Wrap to The Year

In For Buyers, For Sellers, Market Statistics, Real Estate news on January 25, 2008 at 10:42 pm
December, 2007      211 homes for sale, 34 sales, 16.1% chance of selling.

November 2007      261 homes for sale, 38 sales, 14.5% chance of selling.

December 2006         88 homes for sale, 41 sales, 46.5% chance of selling.

 Inventory has skyrocketed from last year.  Yet, the Redmond/East Bellevue area real estate stands as the bastion of strength, when compared to other Eastside/Seattle neighborhoods.  The area ends the year with the highest absorption rate, 16.1%, the greatest number of homes sold compared to available inventory.  Several of the other Eastside neighborhoods had single digit absorption rate. 

The wrap up:

  • April: most number of homes sold.     
  • May: highest median price
  • February: Least number of homes for sale
  • October: largest number of homes for sale.

 West Redmond/East Bellevue neighborhoods home sales have dropped significantly. It’s a tougher real estate market for sellers, but it seems  there’s a more balanced market these days. 

For 2008:

  • Sellers must have the best home out there for the money.
  • Sellers must have the best marketing program to showcase their home. 
  • Sellers must be realistic and flexible with pricing.
  • Interest rates are fabulous.
  • Competition among buyers for homes will be less.
  • Pricing will be negotiable.
  •  It will be slower this year, but buyers will buy and homes will sell. 
  • The home that captures the buyer through great pricing and marketing will get the sale.

For a review of the Seattle/Eastside real estate market, check out my eastside blog.

The Road to Microsoft in Redmond WA is almost done

In Local information on January 25, 2008 at 8:10 pm

Microsoft Traffic Revision

Heading over by Microsoft? A traffic improvement is almost done near the entrance to the main campus of Microsoft on 156th Ave NE in Redmond, Washington.   I did a post a while back that had some earlier photos of the construction.

 As Microsofties head south from NE 40th ST on 156th Ave NE, New Microsoft turn lanes

there will now be two left turn lanes heading into the main campus, instead of just one turn lane. 

Since it can be kind of crazy over there, especially around 9:30 in the morning, this ought to help relieve some of the traffic buildup on 156th.  Just think, it could shave 5 minutes or more off your morning commute!

Help Beautify Redmond,WA-Join The City Design Review Board

In Local information on January 23, 2008 at 10:26 am

Redmond, WA City Hall

You’ve got to admit, Redmond City Hall  has a “wow” factor.  It’s a totally cool building.  It makes a wonderful design statement for the city with its world class feel and down home personality.  Here’s an article from one of the contractors and another from about the building and the architects,  MulvanneyG2 Architecture.  The building is LEED certified, green built construction.

Microsoft put Redmond on the world map, but City Hall has earned the city recognition in a different way. If you have the knowledge, you can continue to build Redmond as a world class city.

 Are you a design professional who could lend your expertise to the city Design Review Board?  Help shape the future look of Redmond, Washington by volunteering  time to give your input regarding landscape designs, architectural plans, colors, and materials. 

 If you are interested,  check out the city website and download the application.  The deadline for the application is February 22, 2008.

Redmond WA Arts Commission Looking for a Few Good Teens!

In Local information on January 7, 2008 at 7:33 pm

Redmond is looking for a few good teens who have an interest in the arts. Would you like to be a spokesperson, a Youth Advocate, for Redmond teens on The Redmond Arts Commission?  Would you enjoy the opportunity to give your opinion about prospective art projects in the city? 

If this all sounds appealing, check this press release from the city which will give you all the latest details.  The volunteer position is  for a one year term and will require attendance at monthly commission meetings.  Applicants should be between 16 to 19 years of age.

Redmond WA is on The State Department of Ecology List!

In Local information on January 2, 2008 at 5:56 pm


The latest press release from the City recognized Redmond for securing a spot on the list for consideration by the DOE, The Department of Ecology, for grant money to improve storm water run-off.  Upgrading the stormwater run-off system would eliminate 4 tons of pollutants that enter the Sammamish River from several heavily traveled areas in downtown Redmond. 

Sixty-three other communities are vying for 35 million dollars in state money.  After an initial period of review, the DOE will release the final list of applicants at the end of this month.

 We hope, as do our four legged friends who use the river, to be on the list!

Good luck, Redmond.

Dogs Just Want to Have Fun, the Off Leash Area of Marymoor Park

In Exploring Redmond, Local information on December 10, 2007 at 9:21 am

Today is a good day to come on down and pretend it’s summer! All you four legged critters come to another of the gems of Redmond.  Bring your two legged friends, if you must.  Come swim, come walk, and come play.  Relax and let your fur down!

Doggy Disneyland, the off-leash part of Marymoor Park, is the largest off leash area in the county and is only seconds from downtown Redmond.  

On a sunny day, you can find hundreds of dogs and their owners out and about, meeting and greeting,  at the park. 

There’s a nice path along the Sammamish River with several spots for dogs to take a dip and fetch balls.




There’s a “doggie playground”, a huge area covered with bark chips and surrounded by fencing and downed logs with seating for tired two legged critters.


Dogs get a chance to let it all out!

Dogs Playing in

Or they can peacefully survey the territory.


Dogs and dog owners owe the off-leash area to SODA, save our dog areas, an organization devoted to protecting open space for dogs.  The organization has helped to maintain the off-leash area and has done a great job for many years.

Do You Know What Lurks Behind The Side Door in This Redmond, WA Landmark?

In Exploring Redmond, Local information on November 2, 2007 at 11:57 am

Redmond historical gray building

So what’s the story behind this Redmond building?  It’s located in the heart of downtown Redmond on the corner of Cleveland St. and Leary Way, near many of Redmond’s other historic buildings.

The building has had many incarnations over its long life (in Redmond years).  It didn’t always look like this.  In the 1970’s the gray cladding was added to the exterior. Underneath this slick, sleek look beats the heart of an early 20th century building. The interior of the second story of the building was originally finished with mahogany woodwork, moldings, and doors.

So what lurks behind the side door facing Cleveland Street?  A set of mahogany stairs heads down to the street.  The stairs are part of the building’s original construction.  Amazing what can be found behind closed doors!

Since I’ve lived in Redmond, the first floor space has been a restaurant.  Most recently it has been a Vietnamese restaurant, with a nail salon right on the corner.  Before that, the restaurant was known as the Hotel Cafe. 

In its past lives, the building has been the library, the city council chamber, and a hotel.   At different times in Redmond history, this was The Hotel Walther and The Grand Central Hotel. 

 Check out the site for The Redmond Historical Society to learn more about Redmond’s past.

To Widen or Not Widen Lake Sammamish Parkway in Redmond, WA. That is the question.

In For Buyers, For Sellers, Local information on October 15, 2007 at 10:25 am

Lake Samm Pkwy


 A study is examining the prospect of widening the road to four lanes between NE 51st and Bel-Red Rd.  The Transportation Master Plan has identified the parkway between Bel-Red Rd and NE 51st as a major connector between downtown Bellevue, Redmond, and the Overlake area. The project is looking at widening the road, adding bicycle paths, increasing pedestrian safety, adding turn lanes and roundabouts.  The City of Redmond has information about the project on its website. 

Work has already been completed on two other sections of the parkway.  The road was widened between Leary Way and the entrance to Marymoor Park and then from Marymoor down to NE 51st. The latest study is a  review  to widen the parkway between NE 51st and Bel-Red Rd.  

Who will pay for this? 

This corridor study is funded with $420,000 from  taxes levied on businesses.  Businesses in Redmond must pay a tax when they renew their business license. 

When will this happen?

 Right now preliminary studies are being done.  Engineering plans will need to be approved and the funding designated to build the project.